
The mythos of Jesus Christ is known the world over. However much of the story is true has yet to be determined. The similarity to other mythologies across the world cannot be ignored. Also, the fact that the only stories we get of Jesus come from the same people who are responsible for his death cannot be overlooked, either.

Similar Mythologies[]

There are many similar mythological figures who correspond to the myth of Jesus, predating him, sometimes, by thousands of years:

  • Mithra
  • Attis, the Son of God of Phyrgia
  • Krishna, the Son of God of India
  • Dionysus or Bacchus, the Son of God of Greece

Actual Name[]


Though most people know Jesus by that name alone, the name "Jesus" is merely an english form of the real name, which is the Tetragrammaton, YHVH with the Hebrew letter Shin in the center of the name, thus forming YHShVH, or Yeh-heh-Shu-heh. Another way to write this would be Yehehshua, or "Joshua". The speculation is that the letter Shin also stands for "tooth", and that Jesus is the tooth or mouthpiece of the God, YHVH.

The Annointed One[]

The second parth of Jesus's name, "Christ", means "the annointed one".



The actual date of the birth of Jesus Christ was not known to the christians themselves. December 25th was the date assigned to his birth to overshadow the date of an ancient Pagan festival called Yule. When the Romans turned their state into the base of a religion, they took many of the existing Pagan festivals they already celebrated and turned them into "Christian holidays," many of which figure as important days in the Christian mythology.


The actual year of Jesus' birth is not known, mainly because of the fact that the christian calander was set centuries after the birth of Christ. Some say the year is unclear because it is made up, although the Christian religion was also obscure at that time.


The circumstances surrounding the immaculate conception and the birth of Jesus Christ are especially dubious.

Virgin Birth[]

Virgin Births are nothing wholly proprietary to the Christian mythos. Spontaneous virgin births are called parthenogenesis, when an egg in the womb starts splitting on its own. However, there are no known cases of naturally-occurring human (or other mammalian) parthenogenesis; furthermore, parthenogenesis usually only creates a female child. Non-spontaneous virgin births of any other type can be done through artificial insemination. Since those techniques did not exist in the biblical times, some more advanced or alien technology had to be employed in creating a "virgin birth", if indeed we are to take the term literally. Another explanation could be that "virgin" is a mistranslation of the historic text, which could also mean "young woman".

Missing Years[]






The Church[]

Even though Jesus did not want a church built in His name, there are thousands of Churches all around the world, preaching the Gospel.

Current Day Followers[]

See Also[]

  • Christianity

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